'Rock On' Abhishek Kapoor’s next movie!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,March 17 2010]

He has rocked all of us with his ‘Rock On’, now Abhishek is working on his next movie that is inspired from a book. Guess who the author is?

Director Abhishek Kapoor seems to have postponed his plans to make a sequel to ‘Rock On’ and according to sources, is working on a script that will be ‘inspired’ from a book, authored by none other than Chetan Bhagat. Abhishek is currently scripting the story for his next movie that will be based on ‘The 3 mistakes of my life’ by Chetan Bhagat.

However, Abhishek has denied that his new movie is based on a book but it is about 3 friends in Gujarat. He is making sure that his script is flawless and would be a bigger hit than ‘Rock On’. Added to it, he plans to make the sequel to Rock On, a little later. Lets just hope, he completes at least one, soon!

Listen to 'Rock On' songs on Raaga.com